Tree lines in the Permaculture Market Garden, Year #1, January 2024
Tree lines near the Grandmother Tree, Year #2, February 2024
Year #2, near Grandmother Tree, February 2024
extending them and filling up gaps 02/24 (thanks Saga & Lisa <3)
Year #0, March 2022
Year 0, March 2022: we designed, prepared and planted the first 70m of tree lines near the “Grandmother tree” where there is an old well that would provide water throughout the dry period of the year (ca May-November) through a dripping system. In Winter we should receive enough rainfall to not have to water them extra.
Next to each tree line we planted a grass (in our case oat) for later “chop-and-drop” style to increase the soil quality through adding biomass onto the ground and providing mulch for keeping the moisture and water in the ground. On the other side of the line we’d plant a legume to get nitrogen into the soil. We used the locally traditional Tremocos, lupines.
<aside> 🎯 Lesson learned: Careful with wildboars! They love eating them! Some say a “pee fence” is enough. Where instead of placing a fence you mark the borders with human urin since it repells wild boars. We tried - and for us it wasn’t strong enough. So we put an electric, solar-powered fence around the tree lines (2 a 35 m with ca 3 meeters inbetween space for grass - path- legume- path).