Our 3 horses and 2 sheep help us to turn the rocky, clay-y degraded hills into fertile soil-covered land!

Deviding our 54 hectars into different zones allowes the horses to have lots of space and eat while the other parts of the land can regenerate and regrow. Just like wild animals would do naturally. The horses and sheep dont just keep the grasses under control, their manure is also prime fertilizer and offers fermented biomass with lots of beneficial microrganisms to create fertile soil which is full of life and ready for create more of it. Furthermore the insects and worms in the horse shit also attract birds that deast on them. We can already see an increase in diversity and numbers of birds after just 2 years.

NOW - What we are doing

FUTURE - What we would love to do

[Help realize this dream by donating materials, help and money here. Thank you! Gratidão!](

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