Dragon Dreaming is a process for creating and achieving collective dreams, which involves four phases: dreaming, planning, doing, and celebrating.

As taken from

“Dragon Dreaming is a living systems approach to build successful organisations and projects for the Great Turning. Dragon Dreaming was first developed by John Croft and Vivienne Elanta. Dragon Dreaming is based on liberating collective intelligence, creativity, cooperation and the sleeping power within ourselves and inherent in our communities.

Over the last 10 years there is now a growing worldwide community of Dragon Dreaming enthusiasts and trainers. Some 5,500 people have been trained in the techniques, from Moscow, and Ankara to Ireland, Madrid and Lisbon in Europe, and from Canada and Brazil to Sri Lanka, Ghana and the Congo elsewhere.  There may be as many as 4,200 projects that have made use of some or all of the tools.”

NOW - what we are doing

FUTURE - what we would love to do

CONTRIBUTE - How you can help