The biodiversity issue is maybe the most under-valued problem we are facing as a human race wanting to life on this planet. Life is per definition inter-dependent. Without pollinators no food, no medicine, no life.

Diversity is key to resilience and raises the chances for improvement and success. The United Nations dubbed biodoversity “our strongest natural defense against climate change” (read more here).

Hence working towards more biodiversity is one of our core aims at AlmaOhana.

NOW - What we are doing

We adress this issue by favoring and creating diversity in our permaculture garden, our tree lines, microgardens and in the fields and hills.

More diversity brings more diversity.

Our microbiome, hence all of life that lives in symbiosis within us, is a major key factor in human health as science has recently been able to show. Within as without: the most promising factor for a good human health is a more diverse biome within our guts and bejond. Whil we invite biodiversity on our land and all lands, we also favour and create diversity in our plant-based diet.

FUTURE - What we would love to do

CONTRIBUTE - How you can help